Waste To Energy Scenario

J-Park Simulator: 

Waste To Energy Management Systems Design

? This shows a map of Singapore's foodcourts.
The proposed decision support methodology (DSM) would address the rising energy consumption and food waste through waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies capable of generating electricity, heat and biogas.
Both centralized and decentralized WTE systems are considered as alternatives for food waste treatment.
The user can change the parameters by modifying the costs of creating a type of waste treatment facility, or of transportation, as well as the number of clusters to aggregate the foodcourts.
Clicking on the button Run Simulation would cause the Matlab simulation to run using Gurobi optimization.
The greater the number of clusters, the smaller the number of food courts per cluster.
The default value of the number of clusters is 30 and will create a mixture of delivery to onsite as well as offsite waste treatment facilities.
Optimal number and location of WTE facilities would then be visualized on the map.


Number of Clusters

Resource Consumption Cost (USD)Transport Cost (USD)Pollution Treatment Tax (USD)Land Cost (USD)Manpower Cost (USD)Operation Cost (USD)Installation Cost (USD)Total Revenue (USD)